Tuesday, December 29, 2009

North Korean Nuclear Tests 2006 & 2009

2006 Nuclear Test
The 2006 North Korean nuclear test was the detonation of a nuclear device conducted on October 9, 2006 by North Korea.
North Korea announced its intention to conduct a test on October 3, six days prior, and in doing so became the first nation to give warning of its first nuclear test.[1] The blast is estimated to have had an explosive force of less than one kiloton, and some radioactive output was detected.[2][3] United States officials suggested the device may have been a nuclear explosive that misfired.[2]
An anonymous official at the North Korean Embassy in Beijing told a South Korean newspaper that the explosive output was smaller than expected.[4] Because of the secretive nature of North Korea and small yield of the test, there remains some question as to whether it was an unusually small successful test, or a partially failed "fizzle" or dud.
It was reported that the government of the People's Republic of China was given a 20-minute advance warning that the test was about to occur.[5] China sent an emergency alert to Washington, D.C. through the United States embassy in Beijing at which time President George W. Bush was told by National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley "shortly after" 10 p.m. (UTC-5) that a test was imminent.[6]

2009 Nuclear Test
The 2009 North Korean nuclear test was the underground detonation of a nuclear device conducted on 25 May 2009 by North Korea.[2] This was its second nuclear test, the first test having taken place in October 2006.[3] Following the nuclear test, Pyongyang also conducted several missile tests.
The test was nearly universally condemned by the international community. Following the test, the United Nations Security Council passedResolution 1874 condemning the test and tightening sanctions on the country.[4]

It is widely believed that the test was conducted as a result of a succession crisis in the country.[5][6][7][8] After Kim Jong-Il suffered a stroke in the summer of 2008, arrangements were made for his third son, Kim Jong-un, to take power upon his death.[5][9] It is believed the North Koreans conducted the nuclear test to show that, even in a time of possible weakness, it did not intend to give up its nuclear weapons program.[5][8]
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I currently live in Des Moines, Iowa. I am currently attending the Des Moines Area Community College for Web and Graphic Designs. I was born in the United States, but I have ties to Canada, for half of my family is Canadian. I love the United States and I'm proud to have my roots.